Get rid of eye problems in summer- Tips and tricks

Get rid of eye problems in summer, Tips and tricks for eye problems, eye problems

Eyes not only makes us look attractive, but it also does capture every moment and enrich our life with beautiful memories. It is the most important sense organ. To enjoy our stay on earth and experience its manifold beauty, we need to protect our eyes. Eye problems in summer are common . Our eyes feel uncomfortable, and we notice a surge in eye troubles.

Early morning sun-streaked bedroom, sweet summer dress, summery fragrances, juicy fruits, frozen desserts, beach, party, a glass of wine and sunkissed skin, etc. are our summer expectations. Hot, dry weather, heatwaves, sweaty body, sunburnt skin, rashes, pimples, dehydration, dry eyes, eye irritation, etc. are the harsh reality we face.

Sun is throughout the year, and its rays hit the earth’s surface every day, but why summer is unbearable when it comes to our eyes?

Let’s quickly learn why the eye problems in summer arises.

Eyes are uncomfortable in summer.  Why?

We know that the sun is higher in the sky during the summer. As a result, the radiation is more intense. Sunlight is a significant source of ultraviolet radiation on earth.  Since the sun is at a higher angle, sun rays pass-through less of the earth’s atmosphere, thereby having less filtered rays with more UV content. This high UV content sunlight makes our eyes uncomfortable. Also, the bright sunlight reflected from the surface cause discomfort in the eyes. The hot and dry wind further contributes to eye irritation.

Follow these tips and tricks to get rid of eye problems in summer.

1.Wear Sunglasses

Being outdoor and looking for the best eye protection, your search should stop at sunglasses. Go for sunglasses that block 100 percent UV-A and UV-B rays. Prefer larger lenses and wrap-around frames that fit well on your face leaving no space for UV rays to damage the soft tissues of your eyes. While going out, one should never forget to carry a pair of sunglasses in their bag. Check the lenses for scratch and damage. If you discover any, it’s high time to discard the glasses. Never forget to buy kids a pair of sunglasses. They not only accessorize summer wear but also gives comfort and protection from the bright sun rays.

2.Splash cold water

After a hot, tiring day, the fatigued, overstrained eyes need a splash of cold water relieving the eye pressure and strain. Your eyes get relaxed in just a couple of minutes. Coldwater serves as the savior for our eyes.

3.Blinking eyes

Dry eye is a common problem. Eyes have a tear film making eye movement easier. Tears evaporate quickly in a dry environment. Dry eyes cause redness, itchy eyes making us uncomfortable. To overcome this problem blinking our eyes is one of the solutions, and it works like magic. Also, always follow the 20-20-20 rule when you are gazing at a screen. It says every 20-minute look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.


Eyedrops not only helps in relaxing your eyes but also lubricates it. Consider visiting a doctor before instilling any eye drop.

5.Adequate sleep

We often neglect sleep in our lives. Adequate sleep is a must for healthy eyes. Not only it energizes our mind but also our eyes.

6.Keeping hands clean

Always touch your eyes with clean hands to reduce any infection and allergy. If you wear contacts, avoid touching and rubbing your eyes with unclean hands. Clean hands prevent the transfer of any bacteria and germs.

7.Drink plenty of water

In summer, keeping ourselves hydrated should be our goal.  We barely understand the importance of water until the time doctor directs us to increase our intake of water, or we suffer dehydration. Water carries nutrients and oxygen to our entire body. It also lubricates our eyes warding off dry eye and many eye problems. Keep yourself hydrated enough to keep your eyes active.

8.Makeup Techniques

There is a wide range of makeup products to beautify our eyes like eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, eye cream, concealer, foundation, etc.  Always apply them with clean hands. Use waterproof makeup in summer to keep it last long in just one single application. Keep the applicators clean. Never share your makeup to avoid the spread of germs. Close the lid properly after every use. Check for the expiry date. Always use a trusted brand. Never compromise with the quality of makeup products.

9.Eye massage

It reduces our eye strain. A gentle massage with the finger in the eye area can help in relaxing the eye muscle.

Let eyes speak the words unsaid. Healthy eyes help us discover and enjoy the beautiful world. Eye protection is mandatory for us to enjoy our life to the fullest. Our expressive eyes can express more if you follow these tips to protect them.

Disclaimer – I am not a health expert. This post is purely on the basis of my experience and observation. To know more read our  Disclaimer.

Also read, Get rid of summer laziness- tips and tricks

About Aditi 22 Articles
Practical || Altruist || Young || Bold || Explorer || Cheerful || Vigilant || Writer


  1. Very good and literal effort, with science behind problem and suggestions. Keep writing and presenting your ideas to the world.

  2. An interesting read, Aditi! I have had some problems with my eyes over the years, particularly with eye strain from the computer. I will try massaging my eyes! I bought a pair of anti-glare glasses and I find them to be quite helpful too. Drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep is something I definitely need to improve upon, I forgot how important they are for your eye health! Thank you for these very helpful tips!

    • Thank you so much Trace!! We all are suffering from strained eyes. I tried massaging my eyes and it did wonder would definitely recommend you. I drink a lot of water but good sleep is something I crave for. Glad to know this post reminded you things you need to improve upon. Even I am keeping a check on these daily.

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